Khoj Lab-Workshop: Learn to be a catalyst and create the right conditions for innovation flow.

Learn to be a catalyst and create the right conditions for innovation flow.

Our workshops are custom-designed for teams looking to grow their impact. We use the ‘Five Mindsets’ framework created by Khoj Lab to identify and resolve friction points that impede innovation effectiveness.


Bringing alignment to drive outcomes is becoming increasingly critical for organizations that seek to grow and innovate.

We know the ground beneath the corporate floor is changing rapidly. Working in silos is a thing of the past. However, many organizations still function as separate bodies, with separate targets, lone to their experiences and expertise, chasing numbers that only matter to their success. So, ‘Bringing Alignment’ is becoming increasingly critical for organizations that seek to grow and innovate.

Empowering individuals to identify and eliminate sources of friction creates a virtuous cycle of improvement. With the right training and frameworks, the squeaky wheel can become a musical call to action instead of an annoying sound to avoid.  Based on our research, Khoj Lab has developed “The Five Mindsets” to guide and inform organizations aiming to improve their workflow. 


GROWING gets less complicated when you build organizations designed for people.


No matter your discipline, this session is about confronting friction points that limit impact while finding solutions to improve its flow. 

This workshop is a good fit for you if you are…

  • I’m frustrated and seeking new ideas to disrupt the dysfunction.

  • I want our team to be more effective and impactful in their efforts.

  • I’m curious to learn and introduce new ways to bring active change to my organization.

Ideal attendees include… 

  • Organizational leaders with a strategic interest in improving implementation effectiveness.

  • Teams working on projects/programs and seeking to overcome tough challenges.

  • Design and Research consultants looking to ensure they provide good solutions for successful implementation.

  • Companies looking for support in their growth strategy.



Learning Outcomes

  • Align innovation expectations within your organization using the ‘Innovation Maturity Model.’

  • Distinguish where your organization is focused and where improvements are needed using the 'Five Mindsets’ framework’.

  • Build on your current experiences and learn to identify and tackle sources of friction.

  • Define specific actions to move your organization forward in its innovation journey.

Participant Requirements

  • Must be willing to share your experiences in this session.

  • Must be prepared to exercise your mind and complete activities during the session. We will provide worksheets and learning materials for each table group.

  • Bring a pen and notebook for your personal note-taking.

  • Fill out a 5-minute survey before the workshop to help us get to know you better. It is linked to the form at the end of this page.



EPIC Conference Workshop Oct 2023 | Creating the Conditions for Innovation: An Introduction to the Five Mindsets


Watch OUR YouTube Podcast

The Five Mindsets Framework:
From Frustration to Flow



From Frustration to Flow: The ‘Five Mindsets’ Framework for Innovation Effectiveness

During the early 2010s, organizations looking to improve their innovation capability hired designers and researchers or acquired design agencies to support business growth, giving rise to the design acquisitions movement between 2010–2020. Organizations invested in two areas: 1/ They established an internal design capability that collaborates with their in-house R&D teams to develop new growth opportunities; 2/ For the first time, they appointed designers to take on senior leadership positions.

While this was a significant step towards building the capability, many business leaders had a limited view of the role of ‘Design’ in innovation, and many organizations still fail to recognize it today. Organizational leaders believed that perhaps adding an in-house innovation team would somehow help them become more customer-centric and consciously innovative. However, this did not happen.

So, what was the problem?



Your facilitators


Hi, I’m Shilpi Kumar

Her mission is to help business leaders discover new growth opportunities and optimize the process as they scale innovation within their organizations using a human-centered approach. Her expertise lies in being a liaison between design and business thinking while engaging her clients in design-led methods and frameworks to enhance the value of their businesses further.

Shilpi has been successful in bringing shifts in Innovation programs at Herman Miller (Now MillerKnoll), General Electric Transportation (Now Wabtech) by introducing a design-led approach.


Hi, I’m Cris Beilstein

With over two decades of business leadership experience in innovation, product development, training, and coaching, Cris is known for her ability to see new possibilities in challenging situations and for her coaching skills that bring out the best in people. She has an open and inclusive style, and her fusion of creative curiosity and technical practicality benefits clients as she guides them from thinking big to strategic planning and action.

Rubbermaid, Rolodex, Raid, Off, Scrubbing Bubbles, Glade, and Ziploc have benefited from Cris’s creativity and strategic leadership.




Plan your session with us

Let's discuss what will work best for you and your organization.

  • We work with large global firms, teams in multiple locations, small to mid-size companies, and any organization with a desire to improve their innovation flow.

  • Sessions can be virtual or in-person.

  • Planning a workshop for your organization? Email us at

  • Looking for online workshops to learn and grow your business ideas? We schedule 60-minute "Perspective" webinars for individuals from different organizations to attend throughout the year. Dates will be announced on our LinkedIn Page.



 Sign Me Up!


There is always room for improvement regardless of where you are in your journey.


Insights from research we did in 2018 led us to develop two video narratives and the ‘Five Mindsets’


As young leaders, trying to navigate the complexities and ambiguity of innovation, learn ways to bust these 7 myths and do the impossible.

We uncover five Human Qualities to resolve bottlenecks and gain innovation flow and clarity.