Together, let’s bust these myths and realize your organization’s full innovation potential!
Myths of innovation - and detangling them
We embarked on a mission to learn what businesses are doing to innovate across the world. In our quest, we started out asking thought leaders what they believed to be Innovation? And what their organizations were doing towards it? While looking for answers and directions, we stumbled upon many humbling questions like "What actions were taken to scale up?", "What was slowing them down?" and of course, "what were companies doing to stay ahead of their competition?"
Throughout our journey, we found many interesting insights, but most importantly we discovered “what is NOT innovation” which we found to be as relevant as ‘what is innovation”. In this first narrative, we share with you the Myths of Innovation - And Detangling Them.
Which Myth are you struggling with?
We’re here to listen to your thoughts and ideas that can help design a healthy environment for growth in organizations, where innovation is viewed from a holistic lens.
To bring meaningful value to your customers, it’s important to fix issues that are embedded in internal management and eliminate the uncertainties in your efforts against external forces that hinder our capacity to improve and do better.
BUST THAT MYTH WITH action cards
We take that extra step in helping you with actions to inject an innovation mindset within your organization
Busting each Myth with Actions
First step is to acknowledge and accept the ‘Myths of Innovation’, let’s take it a step further to help you break through these innovation myths with actions.
Identify the myth you and your organization need to work on busting
For context, watch each myth and then use the action cards to try certain ways to bust this myth.
#1 Innovation is not that one bright idea!
#4 Innovation is not always expensive!
#7 Innovation is not a natural phenomenon!
#2 Innovation is not to fight competition!
#5 Innovation is not for immediate ROI!
#3 Digital transformation is not Innovation!
#6 Innovation is not a One-time Act!
A little more about the “why”
Our first video narrative was born out of insightful research, informed by business and innovation leaders around the globe. It’s something too familiar to many but practiced by only a few.

Innovation had different meanings to different communities, cultures, and mindsets — What emerged from our conversations was an understanding of “WHAT IS NOT INNOVATION”.
This insight took the shape of our first narrative — ‘The Myths Of Innovation ~ And Detangling Them’. We created a 6-minute video narrative to present our research to a larger audience. We wanted our narrative to be relatable and digestible no matter what background, organization, or industry the viewer came from. Read more
speaking engagements and webinars
We had some great interactions with individuals from various backgrounds dealing with similar challenges of their own.
So we talked with them.
Service Design Network, Minneapolis Chapter, 2018
Service Design Network, DC Chapter, 2019
UX India, Hyderabad, 2019